2) Instead of working with leading experts to put together health care reform that can help all those coal miners and blue collar workers you romanced to get elected, you focus on imaginary voters and Russian conspiracy, contradicting yourself endlessly at every step.
3) Instead of building stronger foreign relations with your current allies and new relationships with adversarial nations, you antagonize all your friends, focus on building a see-through border wall to avoid flying bags of narcotics and hit on the wife of the newly elected President of France.
4) Instead of putting forward new economic stimulus and tax reform packages that will push the national economy to tremendous new heights (believe me), you ride the coat tails of the the previous administration's economic plan that continues to generate a bull market and job growth but claim it as your own.
5) Instead of leading, making sure the buck stops with you and owning accountability for everything on your watch, you play the greatest victim, pointing fingers everywhere but at yourself, blame fake news (#sad), FBI investigators and your own political appointees for your own failures.
All things considered, I'm kind of glad America has sucked all this time.